I haven't posted for a while but I have been busy. I have about four paintings that I want to post but I have been having trouble getting them photographed properly. I have one that I can post as the color seems pretty true to me. I will work on getting the rest of my work photographed this week and post it, I promise.I have also been busy with family issues- among them, my husband was in the hospital with a bad infection in his leg (cellulitis) and then recuperating at home. He is still in a lot of pain, but cannot miss any more work so will go to work tomorrow with a stool to rest his foot on while he teaches.
As far as art, I am full of ideas -- I want to go to the beach this week or next (depending on how Joel does at work) and paint, hopefully sell some work, jewelry, and catch a few rays in the process! I want to try some printmaking techniques and you name it- I can't wait to try it!
This painting was painted in my class that I take at The Gallery at 915 here in Fredericksburg. I am pretty happy with it.